
Registration Request for the Introduction to Online Learning Class

Submit this form to request registration in the Introduction to Online Learning class. We’ll email you further instructions after we process your request, which usually takes one business day.

Note: Please confirm that you need this Introduction to Online Learning class as our online eligibility requirements have changed for non-UA students. Take a look here before completing this form.

You have to complete the self-paced Introduction to Online Learning class within two weeks of registering.

Personal Information
  1. e.g. mm/dd/yyyy
  2. Your WCC ID number is in the format @00000000. If you prefer, enter your Social Security number.
Mailing Address
  1. Use the address where you currently reside.
Gender, Ethnicity & Residency
  1. What is your gender? optional
  2. Are you Hispanic or Latino? optional
  3. What is your race? You may select one or more races. optional
  4. Are you a U.S. citizen?
  5. Do you reside in Washtenaw County?
    The state of Michigan requires WCC to collect residency information on all students.
Union/Association Affiliation
  1. What is your union/association affiliation?

You will receive a confirmation email to acknowledge our receipt of your request to register for this class.