- Account Setup
- Change Your Password
- Forgot netID
- Forgot Password
- Synchronize Password
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- Terms of Service
What’s a netID?
A netID is your online identity with WCC. It and your password are keys that let you access online services ranging from your WCC email account to MyWCC, where you register for classes, check your grades, and more. Your netID is the part of your WCC email address that comes before the @ sign.
Log In to Synchronize Your Account
WCC has implemented new systems for faculty and students, which require that your password be synchronized to them.
To synchronize your password to begin using these new systems, simply logon below. After successful logon, the synchronization will happen automatically
Students Employees ONLY, what happens when I synchronize my account?
Once you become an employee you will get a new mailbox in Outlook and all new emails (including employee and student emails) will be delivered to outlook. Your student email account at Gmail will no longer receive any new emails. The emails will not be migrated from Gmail to Outlook.
Do not store any personal materials/information on your employee or student accounts.
What if I’m no longer an employee but still a student?
All new emails will be delivered to the student email mailbox. Emails and previous content will not be migrated from Outlook to Gmail. Save any personal content from your email account to another account, if needed, prior to your last day worked. Issues with the conversion from employee back to student, contact the Helpdesk.