Distance Learners & Blackboard Users
The Bailey Library provides WCC's distance learners and Blackboard users easy access to resources and services while on campus operations are suspended. The library resources and services are here to help you achieve academic success.
Please also see Continuity of Library and Tutoring Services site for help accessing resources and services.
Finding Library Materials
To find e-books and other materials, search the library catalog.
Renewing borrowed materials
While on campus operations are suspended all items currently checked out have had the due dates changed to Monday, May 4, 2020. There is no need to renew currently checked out library materials.
Borrowing materials from other libraries
All interlibrary loan and state wide MeLCat operations are currently suspended. There will be no fines or fees for currently borrowed interlibrary loan or MeLCat items.
Researching Journal Databases
Accessing electronic articles and journals in the Library's research databases
Go to Find Articles and A-Z List of Databases. Select a database and authenticate with your WCC netID and password when prompted.
For help finding E-Books or online articles and databases see Get Help From An Expert.
Accessing Online Research Guides
The Library provides a number of online research guides, such as:
- Research Toolkit
- MLA/APA citation guides, course assignment guides, and general how-to guides on Learning Guides
- Course-based research guides. Please see the Bailey Library's Research Guides
Still have questions? Ask a Librarian!
You may consult a librarian by email, or via real-time chat 24/7. See Get Help From An Expert.